There are two ways to link notes so that you can access a note from another note: Note link and auto link wiki.


  • Note link

You can set up a hyperlink inside a note by using ‘[[note title]]’ markup. Please refer to the example below.

  • Let’s say you have a note whose title is ‘mynote’.
  • Type [[mynote]] in another note and save it. And the word ‘mynote’ will turn into a hyperlink.
  • Tap the hyperlink, and you will automatically move to the note ‘mynote’.


  • Auto link wiki word

Set up a hyperlink inside a note by simply typing the note title. You should use caps for the first letter and a middle letter of the note title. Please refer to the example below.

  • Let’s say you have a note whose title is ‘mynote’.
  • Type MyNote (MynOte/MyNOte) in another note, and it will turn into a hyperlink.
  • Move to the note ‘mynote’ by simply tapping the hyperlink.

*If you cannot activate Note link and Auto link wiki word functions, please check if you have turned these functions off in Settings. [Settings -> Auto link -> Use note link or Auto link wiki word]
